Monday, July 30, 2007

Mike Turner embarrasses himself and Dayton, Ohio

Think Progress » Chickenhawk Congressman Smears Military Expert
I watched this exchange in real time.
The poor reactionary thug did indeed
try these worn out old tactics, but it
was clear Lawrence Korb had the high
ground in the exchange, and was quite
dismissive in his reaction. Turner did
sound rather hysterical, and left the
distinct impression of a silly schoolboy
playing at acting like a grownup.

Is this the best Dayton Ohio can do?
I think not. Next time Dayton, send a
real grownup to the House, and stop
making yourselves look so silly and

Comment by BK — July 29, 2007 @ 10:21 pm

Poor Mikey but this kind of attack can only mean that Mike is in a safe seat and he is the only Republican they can send out to do the dirty work! The only problem is that he is still Mike Turner!

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Why Dayton is Pathetic!

Emerson said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."

I study the human condition and this statement describes the political and ruling class in Dayton, Ohio. This election cycle cries for radical change, but we are going to select the same old group. Does anyone examine what life is about? The people being selected to represent the interests of the Dayton area have no original thought and maybe Dayton is getting the representation it deserves.

The DDN certainly celebrates the election of Husted and Turner, two of the most groupthink individuals in the Dayton area, when those of ideas and intelligence are relegated to the "I told you so" class. I have learned that saying I told you so, does not make the world better, it just makes the future more bleak as the choices to make corrections about how to live in harmony become limited.

I was right about Pete Forster, in 1978 and told Paula MacIlwaine that he was a bum. She defended him, because she was setup in the lighting business by Petey the bum and was essentially a purchased politician. Her protege Judy Dodge is now Montgomery County Commissioner. There are similar stories for each of the elected officials in the Dayton area, which the DDN accepts because the Cox sisters hate Dayton, but love the money.

Look at who the Republicans are selecting to represent the Dayton area - Pro Sprawl, non think, real estate backed Lehner and Blair. Blair works for Buckeye Pools and is on the commission with Lee Synder of Snyder Brick and Block. They know nothing but continued lining of the development pockets. Lehner is Pro-Growth of another sort and while admirable, provides little solution to problems we face. Jesus may save your soul, but man resisting the temptation to breed like bacteria may save the earth.

Continue down the path if we must, but I will fight it, for the good of humanity, with all my heart.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Suburbia and energy consumption!

Again my favorite site (theoildrum) with my favorite poster describing what needs to be done in Dayton Ohio TODAY!  As well as why suburbia is unsustainable.  It is unfortunate that Dayton is run by medical doctors, poor CEO's and Realtors. Alan Drake talks about Dayton's electric trolley line at least once a month.

The Oil Drum | DrumBeat: July 23, 2007
Some fraction of a reformed suburbia will likely survive with more than a "half our act together" effort. Much will not regardless.

One reason is the energy to support suburbia. More streetlights/capita (we could run quite a bit of rail off that possible conservation source, turning off the street lights in suburbia), plumbers, mail delivery, police, UPS delivery, etc. all require significantly more energy, i.e. oil, to service standard American suburbia than urban areas or new TOD (Transit Orientated Development). And much more pavement/person (and feet of water & sewer lines) to maintain in Suburbia.

In addition, suburban housing is generally quite poorly built and energy in-efficient (last Christmas in Phoenix a Real Estate article in local paper claimed market was STILL interested in "luxury extras" and no interest in higher energy effiency).

Suburbia was built on a herd mentality. People went to the hot areas outside town and bought the "in" floor plan, with minimal independent thought. (Remember avocado colored appliances ?) Once the herd starts leaving, in can turn into a stampede. Who will spend money on major repairs on an "investment" that is declining in value ? Especially if the neighbors aren't ?

Good public transportation cannot be cost effective in very low density areas.

IMVHO, Suburbia will decline because of

1) Direct energy costs (commuting, transportation to get essentials, HVAC)
2) Indirect energy costs (support infrastructure)
3) Needed repairs escalating in costs as market value declines
4) Herd mentality as empty homes appear and deteriorate over time nearby

Best Hopes for Urban Rail & TOD,


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Friday, July 20, 2007

Peak Oil Rationalization

I am like Bill Gates; I rob from the best. This the type of reply I get from elected officials and drivers in Dayton.

The Oil Drum | DrumBeat: July 20, 2007
There is a lot of this type of rationalization going on now. Say something negative about an SUV and the drivers will yell that the SUV haters are just jealous because they can't afford one. People are having a harder and harder time keeping all of the contradictory bits of information in their head that makes up the convoluted mess they call a belief system. The only way to glue all of it together is to come up with really stupid arguments and shoutout any debate on those points that would cause the house of cards their world view is built upon to collapse.

The poll I posted the other day that showed less than five percent of the people in this country blame our national driving habits for high gas prices is a prime example of our failure to think rationally. It has to be the fault of the selfish traders, the evil worshiping ragheads, the tree hugging liberals, the greedy oil barons, the non-libertarian government, etc. It has to be the fault of anyone but them! There are people now saying they had no choice but to move into a huge house fifty miles from work and buy a big SUV because society told them to. Apparently we are a nation of zombies powerless to think for ourselves. Hmmm... come to think of it, that one might be true.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Idiocy Prevails in Kettering

I know how far we have come in a few generations. My Dad's mother killed chickens and use to have them in the yard to supplement food supplies. Now we are so far removed from Nature that we think we can regulate it out of existence. Does anybody ask whether keeping a certain amount of chickens might be a good thing? Do we ask why the law was created and for what benefit? NO! We fall back on legal interpretation instead of looking at the big picture.

The time is arriving were energy costs are going to continue to increase due to declining production, and if you, as a citizen, start to hear about wars and strife in the developing world it will be partially due to the fact that they can no longer afford oil to power their societies. America will not know or care as the newspapers and government refuse to discuss, because the American way of life is not negotiable.

If you determine that you can fill up your tank and kill those with oil to live the American dream, then so be it. We have killed many men and beasts to make America, why not continue to pillage. It is just our nature.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Downtown Dayton Coalition - How does it work and who benefits?

The Dayton Daily News does not do its job, but that's no surprise, is it? They simply toot the horn of whatever some Dayton entity wants or says with no questions asked. Well I have a few? Who runs the Coalition? Who benefits? Are the earmarks actually working for the Region or is it a skim job to collect taxpayer money and dole it out to un regulated projects that provide no more value than the Bridge to Nowhere. The DDN does not see fit to explain any of this information, it is not a newspaper, but a stenographer for the connected in the Dayton Area. The DDN's goal is to fleece the public in two ways, provide a lousy paper at an exorbitant price and allow the ruling class to fleece the public coffers. The elite of Dayton, in cahoots with the DDN, know what is best for you! How has the been working out for Dayton?

Read the Article - Does it ever mention that Doug Franklin, the DDN publisher, is part of the Coalition?